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Showing posts from August, 2016

How to Make a Playlist in YouTube

You will probably have a time when you will need to stockpile YouTube videos to either share with others or so you can easily find them later to remind yourself how to do something. Above is a video explaining how to make such a playlist.

How to Embed Remind Texts in Your Blackboard Shell

Another question at the in-service was how to embed Remind texts (use to text one way reminders to students) into the announcement section of Blackboard.  Above is a short video showing this.  Have at it!

Remind for Your Students

I just did a couple of classes for teachers.  One of the questions was how do you sign up students for Remind .  Above is a video detailing how this is done. Remind is used to text students and parents about homework, tests, and all kinds of information you would want to send your pupils. The video below shows how you use Remind to create texts.

How to Flip Your Classroom

One of the schools, Chantilly, is going one to one this year.  As part of that the teachers will be redoing how they teach.   One of the ways they are looking at is flipping .  So I was asked to teach some presentations on it.  You can follow everything I teach as all of my links and videos will be on this page.  We will start by taking a survey at We will be learning how to create a short flip (defined) using Screencastomatic and what images, slides, short video and information might go into it.  You can also make them using the  Snagit extension here  (and here is how to use it) discuss that you can always use others' videos such as ( history and science , math  and  grammar ) contemplate how to make sure teachers are watching the video in part using a Google Drive form  or even to how to make your own YouTube playlist (2:20 in this video ) use Remind ( resources ) to literally remi...

An Open Letter to Students Returning to School

So I love Hank and John Green's Crash Course, which is a series of subjects in the "flipped" class format.  One of the things I used to ask my students, is why did the state legislature insist that they go to school.  This video, in three short minutes, does the trick - in case you want some help.  

My Favorite Book Site

There is never enough time for me to read all the books (much less Twitter, blogs, news sites, etc.) that I want to.  Another problem is finding all the right ones for me.  But one incredible site for me is Jeff Schechtman's "Specific Gravity " site that is filled with all kinds of non fiction books.   Schechtman covers so many topics.  One hot one in my district is project based learning - so you know his suggestion (above) is going on my list.  But other recent suggestions are one on Patty Hearst , how the world is accelerating in so many different facts, a book on the Middle East and on and one every few days with a new one.  Each includes a summary and an author interview. 

Blendspace from TES to Showcase Student Work

TES Teach with Blendspace (Blendspace was recently bought by the British education company TES ) is a cool way to present your lessons for your students or alternatively for your students to do the same for you. Below, for example is one you can use in teaching geometry.