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Blended Learning or Technology Integration

My county is moving to one to one, but has been clear that it is not meant as a way to just digitize paper.  So this video does a nice job of explaining the differences between technology integration and what is known as blended learning, which, in part, allows for collaboration between students to reach mastery. 


  1. Digitals open up many opportunities particularly because they give us access to Internet. Now Internet holds a lot of things, tools and services to help us handle our studies easier. For instance, one of those services are professional essay writers. Out of all you should choose Essay Lab - its writers will help you out with an issue how to write a good paper and leave your teacher satisfied. Applying process is very easy and you don’t even have to do anything by yourself! You just have to wait. That’s what I love about new technologies.

  2. Such an initiative as this very much helps the development of this sphere, thanks for sharing this information, I'm just thinking over to start writing my research paper. But you know I'm starting to think about how to just pay for research paper cuz I dont want to write it by myself.


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