Converting Advanced Placement Free Response Questions (FRQ) scores to a percent out of a 100 is a pain. So my colleagues, Rich Hoppock and Dan Maxwell, came up with this converter. To use it download it and then re-upload in Google Drive (or perish the thought, Microsoft). Once you have done that put the FRQ score in the yellow box in the upper right side and it will give you a percent score based on both 100 and 50.
When I want to quickly contact my online students, I use . It allows you to send a text without knowing their phone numbers. Additionally you can set a time for it to be sent. You can add a link and/or upload a document. If you choose, you can also text individual students. All of the texts are recorded and kept as long as you keep the class. Above is a video giving you a great overview and here are several videos explaining how to use different parts of it. If you use Blackboard, the video below shows you how to embed Remind texts into a Blackboard page.
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