Scripts are simple code that you can use to write a program. For example if you go go to Alice Keeler's page on the topic you can see how to easily
- take your student names and have it be able to email students;
- look at your student work and compare it to a rubric without spending lots of time going back and forth; randomly assign students to groups;
- create Google Drive folders for all of your students (assuming you don't use Google Classroom)
- and much more is on the link. Keeler does a great job of showing, with simple images, how to implement the scripts.
Keeler also has a great webpage and if you are serial Google Drive user like myself is an absolute must to be following on Twitter @alicekeeler
If you prefer video tutorials on scripts I was given a bunch by Claudia Pirouzan-Jones which you can find here. One example from the link is the video above about Doctopus which tells you how to auto generate pre-made comments for student papers.
Flubaroo allows you to automatically grade multiple choice tests and fill in the blank questions which you can figure out using the video below.
Flubaroo allows you to automatically grade multiple choice tests and fill in the blank questions which you can figure out using the video below.
In your personal statement for an application to a college or university, you must briefly outline your qualifications, experiences and goals. See more sample statement of purpose mba